
Understanding Collagen: The Key to Maintaining Youthful Skin

Hi my beauties~
Let's talk Collagen! As a board-certified dermatologist and fellowship-trained aesthetic and cosmetic dermatologist, I'm excited to share my expertise on collagen. This essential protein keeps our skin looking youthful and healthy.  In this blog, I'll discuss collagen's intricacies, how it's produced, and what we can do to boost our collagen stores also known as "Collagen Banking" 

Make sure to checkout my newest YOUTUBE video,  where I take a much deeper dive into all things Collagen and Collagen Banking including different methods to boost collagen production, including in-office treatments, skincare products, and lifestyle changes 

 What is Collagen?

Collagen is an extracellular matrix protein found in the skin. It provides structural support and gives the skin its smooth, bouncy contour. Our skin loses collagen as we age, leading to wrinkles, fine lines, and skin laxity. But what if we could slow down or even reverse this process?

The Importance of Collagen Banking

Collagen banking is a revolutionary approach that involves inducing the skin's natural regenerative processes to maintain a youthful appearance over a lifetime.This is proactive and preventative treatments that you can do to build collagen in your skin.  By understanding how collagen works and what we can do to boost our collagen stores, we can stay ahead of the curve and maintain healthy, radiant skin.

The Science Behind Collagen

Collagen is comprised of amino acids glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline, which form chains wrapped around in a triple helix configuration. This unique structure gives collagen its strength and elasticity. When we lose collagen, our skin's structural support is compromised, leading to wrinkles, sagging, and loss of firmness.

The Benefits of Collagen Banking

By boosting collagen stores through bio-stimulatory treatments or collagen banking treatments, we can:

  • Increase skin cell proliferation and collagen production
  • Improve skin texture and tone
  • Reduce wrinkles and fine lines
  • Enhance skin firmness and elasticity
  • Maintain a youthful appearance
  • The Power of Collagen Banking


My favorite in-office procedures for Collagen Banking

  • Sculptra
    • This is a bio-stimulatory filler that can help build collagen over time while also giving a beautiful aesthetic result in the mid face to lift and tighten a bit. 

  • Thermage
    • This is one of my favorite treatments! It is an energy based device that puts heat into the skin to stimulate your body's own regenerative processes to make collagen.
  • Laser Resurfacing/Rejuvenation
    • I love Fraxel Laser and Fractionated Co2 lasers to stimulate collagen. These treatments, especially when done over the years really demonstrate improved collagen productivity


At home and lifestyle changes you can make

  • Skincare Actives
    • Vehicle Delivery Systems really matter in your product choice 
    • "Medical Grade" is worth exploring if you are able to do so. 
      • I engineered MDAiRE Skincare to provide my patients with formulations that were going to upregulate collagen synthesis 
    • Tretinoin- which is a prescription strength VItamin A derivative
      • Well studied and effective- 
    • VItamin A derivatives
      • Retinol 
      • Retinaldehyde
    • Vitamin C and other antioxidants
    • Alpha and Beta hydroxy acids 
  • Daily Sunscreen Use 

  • Collagen Peptide Supplementation

As someone who has been in the field of dermatology for over 20 years, I've seen firsthand the incredible results that can be achieved with collagen banking. I have also heard all sorts of Collagen Myths. My Youtube Video goes into more detail to dispel those and I would you to explore those. The truth is you aren't too young, or too old to start any treatments or skincare to start supporting your collagen synthesis in your skin and get results. 

By combining advanced treatments like Fraxel and Thermage with a comprehensive skincare regimen and healthy lifestyle choices, we can impact our skin and we can take control of our skin health and achieve a more radiant, youthful appearance.

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